Robin Smutny-Jones

Robin Smutny-Jones

Vice President of Business Development & Regulatory Affairs

Robin has over three decades of experience in the energy industry in various capacities including policy and regulatory positions primarily in California and including engagement with western regulatory bodies.  She has worked directly for three of the major decision-making bodies in California responsible for energy reliability and policy (legislature, California Independent System Operator, and California Energy Commission)—as well as working directly with the fourth primary entity—the California Public Utilities Commission.  She has a good understanding of the overall California market structure as well as the major energy policies administered by the CPUC, CEC, and the California Air Resources Board (CARB).

Robin is responsible for developing a strategy for diversifying ZGlobal’s clientele. In addition, she is responsible for providing technical assistance to field programs on global marketing initiatives, strategic communications, media relations, and crisis communications.

​​Robin holds a B.A. in Political Science and an M.A. of Public Administration from Monterey Institute of International Studies, CA. She also has done International Development Studies in Uppsala, Sweden as well as academic internships as an Academic Trade Economist for the US Department of Commerce and the International Trade Administration.