Jamil Labban is ZGlobal’s Director of Operations. Jamil has a broad-ranging and diverse skill set developed over twenty-five years of experience in the energy industry at the California Independent System Operator (CAISO), across Client Services, Regulatory Contracts, Compliance, Market and Grid Operations, Power Supply, Settlements, and Billing Divisions. He is intimately familiar with CAISO settlements charge codes and their impact on each market participant’s class. He provides comprehensive analysis to market participants on their specific activities in regard to scheduling or bidding their assets into CAISO, Western Interconnection, and ERCOT markets. He has built sustainable relationships and engaged with market participants on various complex energy-related transactions and issues.
As a Senior Account Representative at the CAISO, Jamil was the primary point of contact between the CAISO and their stakeholders. He researched, analyzed, and coordinated resolution of customers’ market, business, and operational activities that ranged from real-time operational issues to settlement and billing inquiries (customers’ Bid-to-Bill business) with a focus on quality and timely resolution. Jamil is also an experienced Grid Operator who was responsible for operating multiple Market/Resource desks at the CAISO. As a Senior Market and Grid Resource Operator Jamil ran the CAISO Day Ahead, Hour Ahead, and Real Time market/resource desk. He performed all duties in accepting, validating, and clearing the market for supply and demand. He ran the load forecasting models for the CAISO balancing area. He procured energy and ancillary services to meet demand forecasts in the day-ahead and hour-ahead market, procured real-time supplemental energy, calculated energy clearing prices for the real-time energy market, monitored all generation output and transmission constraints in real time and mitigated reliability or market violation.
Jamil’s current responsibilities for ZGlobal include:
- Acts in the role of Lead for the Day-Ahead, Hour-Ahead, and Real-Time activities.
- Provide
sclient support in scheduling/bidding, trade resolutions, and market results analysis. - Coordinate
swith clients on the Available Transmission Capacity (ATC) and Existing Transmission Contracts (ETC) based on changes in transmission operating limits, CAISO Tariff/Protocols, and transmission contracts. - Anticipates, identifies, and resolves problems with CAISO or ERCOT markets and transmission availability and the need to reroute energy under Open Access Transmission Tariff (OATT) point-to-point transmission service to ensure our clients’ resource scheduling and bidding are consistent with the client’s expectations.
- Implements all Day-Ahead, Hour-Ahead, and Real-Time scheduling and bidding, including submitting e-tags, outage notifications to the CAISO and transmission operators, monitoring transmission and resource derates, and making economic adjustments based on weather, temperature, congested transmission paths, projected transmission uses, load forecast and other market conditions.
- Manages, all Day Ahead and Real Time schedulers, Analysts, and the Real Time Supervisor.
- Quality checks and verifies all scheduling, bidding, tagging, and market operations activities both Day Ahead and Real Time.
- Ensures that Day Ahead and Real Time processes have consistent direction with regard to scheduling activities.
- Serves as client liaison and ensures that client’s needs and expectations are comprehended, adhered to, and implemented in a timely manner.
- Jamil earned a Master of Public Administration from Montana State University, Bozeman, Montana as well as a Bachelor of Science in Business Management, Marketing minor, from Montana State University, Bozeman, Montana, and a Bachelor of Science in Psychology, industrial/organizational psychology emphasis, from Montana State University.