
LendLease is a leading international property and infrastructure group, with operations across the world in Australia, Asia, Europe, and the Americas. ZGlobal performed various power engineering services for solar and battery systems for several locations, including the 4.7 MW rooftop solar system on 1,208 new homes, and the renovation of 1,451 existing homes in the Hicham Communities located in Oahu, Hawaii.

Project Location: Oahu, Hawaii

Project Type: SOLAR PV

Capacity: 185 MW

ZG Service: Consult – Power Engineering

ZGlobal provided Lendlease with complete Generation Interconnection Procedures (GIP) Interconnection Request (IR) Forms and Technical Data submission support. These efforts included a significant level of engineering and project management, such as the preliminary design of interconnection, preparing the site plan, single-line diagram, inverter/converter, and transformer specifications, gen-tie line data calculations, facility modeling in GE PSLF format (presumes support from the inverter/converter manufacturer), and coordination with the governing utility or balancing authority (BA). Additionally, for transmission projects, ZGlobal supported the projects through the Phase 1 results review, assessment of assigned upgrades, and validation of BA cost assignments. ZGlobal also prepared the quadrangle map and associated model updates.