Methods of Conducting Project Revenue

Prepared by Ziad Alaywan P.E, Kevin Coffee P.E. & Nicole Ramos

In this case study, we will delve into our advanced techniques, focusing particularly on the intricacies of generation optimization, which holds a central role in the maximization of resource and generating plant revenues, while meticulously adhering to the inherent physical attributes of these resources.

Generation Optimization Process

ZGlobal has adopted a comprehensive approach to resource optimization, harnessing the capabilities of our proprietary in-house optimization platform, eGrid. At the heart of eGrid’s functionality lies the integration of PLEXOS1, a well-regarded commercial optimization software engine acclaimed for its proficiency in modeling load and supply dynamics within the domain of both the CAISO (California Independent System Operator) system and the WECC-wide (Western Electricity Coordinating Council) region. This is executed through the sophisticated application of the Security Constrained Unit Commitment (SCUC) and Economic Dispatch (ED) algorithm, underpinned by Mixed Integer Programming (MIP) techniques. This algorithmic framework enables the minimization of a cost function or maximization of resource revenue while meticulously respecting the full spectrum of operational constraints.

The intricacy of optimizing a portfolio surge in tandem with the expansion of resource optionality, a challenge that becomes more pronounced as energy storage systems become increasingly integrated into the energy landscape. Whether these systems function autonomously or are amalgamated with renewable resources, their introduction considerably enhances the capability to align energy supply with demand on both an hourly and sub-hourly basis.

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